
I set off to the September 16 PASH meeting wondering whether it would be the same and whether people were ready to venture out after COVID. What a feeling to look around and see so many old friends! Even my buddy the valet guy told me how happy he was to see me….I might be tipping too much… We had some really good discussions in the committee meetings – Zoom just is not the same as being there. Happy hour and dinner felt like a family reunion. For those who didn’t make it, I really hope to see you next time. We had drama, suspense, all the usual as we discussed the new COPAS AP in Audit. The other committees reported good attendance and discussions. Revenue piloted a hybrid meeting with some remote participants and an in person meeting. By all accounts it went well and there will be more to come on that front. Anyway, it went so well that the Board is eager to continue forward with in person meetings. So watch for your newsletters and keep up. Hope to see you soon.

Your roving reporter,

Larea Arnett